At Chiropractic Care & Rehab Center, we see a number of Estero and Bonita Springs area patients who have experienced some type of soft tissue injury, which is defined as an injury to their muscle, ligament, or tendon. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons report that these types of injuries generally occur as a result of sports-related activities or engagement in exercise. However, these particular tissues can also be harmed when you overuse them.
No matter what the cause, relief can typically be obtained with the Graston Technique. What is the Graston Technique?
book onlineThe Graston Technique Defined
The Graston Technique involves the use of “specially-designed stainless steel instruments” to help locate and release the fascia (the fibers that surround soft tissues) or scar tissue, thereby also relieving pain. These instruments come in six different shapes and sizes, allowing the us to use the one that will provide you, our patient, the greatest possible results.
Treatment can be applied in one or more sessions, the number of which depends largely on the extent of your soft tissue injury. During these sessions, the instruments are used to expertly massage the affected area for 30 seconds to a minute. When used in conjunction with stretching and exercise, our patients typically experience a lot of relief.
Why We Use the Graston Technique
The reasons we use the Graston Technique when serving our Estero and Bonita Springs area chiropractic patients are many. For instance, this particular treatment remedy can often speed up the healing process by reducing inflammation and pain. Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization also helps improve range of motion and resolve strength issues—benefits that have been reported in various studies, such as one conducted on eight active male students at the University of Kansas which found positive results.
Ultimately, this means shortened treatment times and can sometimes also mean the ability to resolve issues that were once thought of as chronic and long-term. And it does it without the use of any medication.
To find out if the Graston Technique is right for you and your soft tissue injury, contact the Chiropractic Care & Rehab Center today to schedule an appointment. We are here for you!
About Graston Technique. GrastonTechnique.
http://www.grastontechnique.com/AboutUs/ASynopsis.html. Accessed September 7, 2015.
Hyde, T. Graston Technique Treatment: What to expect. Spine-health. http://www.spine-health.com/treatment/chiropractic/graston-technique-treatment-what-expect. Published August 5, 2003. Updated May 13, 2013. Accessed September 7, 2015.
Sprains, strains and other soft-tissue injuries. OrthoInfo.
http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00111. Last reviewed July 2015. Accessed
September 7, 2015.
Vardiman, JP et al. The ability of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization to accentuate inflammation and symptoms of muscle damage after an eccentric exercise protocol. http://www.grastontechnique.com/file/sites%7C*%7C86%7C*%7Cdocuments%7C*%7CGraston-Muscle-Damage-Poster-NATA-2012.pdf. Accessed September 7, 2015.