If you have been in an auto accident, you may feel your aches and pains will pass in time.  And they may.   However, it could be a mistake to delay.  Untreated injuries from motor vehicle collisions have the potential to develop into progressive or chronic conditions.

At the very minimum you should have an inital evaluation.  Chiropractic Care And Rehab Center is a local, friendly resource for auto injuries right here in Estero, FL.

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Also, state statute as oJANUARY 1, 2013, says YOU HAVE 14 DAYS TO PRESENT FOR INITIAL EVALUATION AFTER A CAR ACCIDENT OR YOU FORFEIT YOUR RIGHTS TO USE THE MEDICAL BENEFITS YOUR AUTO INSURANCE ALLOTS YOU.  BENEFITS YOU PAY A MONTHLY PREMIUM FOR.  So if you opt not to have a check up, you forgo your benefits in only 2 weeks time.  Thanks Governor Scott!  Thanks a lot.

Getting an initial evaluation after an auto accident may improve your recovery results, help you realize you’ve been concussed or perhaps even help diagnose something you did not know was wrong or injured.  Both Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Michelle Giroux are Florida Chiropractic Physicians who have helped numerous victims of auto injuries improve, recover, return to work and get their lives back on track.

Chiropractic Care and Rehab Center at 9250 Corkscrew Road, suite 4 in Estero takes same day appointments.  Our office policy is to get established and new patients seen within 24 hours.

Common auto injuries we treat include the following:

Whiplash and Neck Pain After Auto Injury 

Up to 90% of people with auto injuries suffer some form of neck pain. This commonly happens when your head is forced backwards and inertia causes the rest of your body to move forward with the impact. The cervical spine, located in the neck, can be damaged by the head and body being forced in opposite directions. The ligaments and discs of the cervical spine can stretch and tear, causing pain and disability in the neck region.

Research has demonstrated the benefits of chiropractic for preventing the accumulation of scar tissue. Chiropractors also help whiplash victims improve their range of motion. Dr. Green and Dr. Giroux can gently ease your neck pain and prevent chronic symptoms.

Headache After Auto Injury:

Most of our auto injury patients complain of some headache symptoms since their collision. There are many possible causes of headache after a crash. The most common type of headache from an auto injury is cervicogenic headache, caused by damage to the nerves in the cervical spine.

Car accidents can also result in tension headaches. Many auto injuries cause muscle spasms, which in turn cause tension headache.

Auto injury headache can also be the result of a brain or vascular injury during the crash. Migraine sufferers may also find their migraine headaches are intensified after an auto accident.

Chiropractic Care & Rehab Center can determine the source of your headache and create a treatment plan to relieve your head pain and symptoms.

Back Pain After Auto Injury:

Chiropractic is a great option for treating back pain. Crashes, especially rear-end collisions, can cause pressure and compression on the lumbar spine. The motion of the spine straightening and then compressing can injure spinal nerves and ligaments , causing tissue damage, nerve injury, inflammation, and pain. We help our Estero patients break free of back pain with chiropractic spinal adjustments, massage, and more.

Shoulder Pain After Auto Injury

Shoulder pain after an auto accident is another symptom we treat. Some patients sustain a direct trauma or injury to the shoulder during a collision. We have also seen patients with crash-related shoulder pain due to injuries elsewhere causing nerve damage and radiating to the shoulder, resulting in pain or numbness. If you have either type of shoulder pain after a crash, our chiropractors can relieve you pain and restore feeling in your shoulder.

Jaw Pain After Auto Injury:

Even patients who walk away from an auto collision without jaw pain may find themselves with jaw problems later on. Whiplash can cause central sensitization, with can result in delayed jaw symptoms or dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint which allows your jaw to open and close. Both Dr. Green and Dr. Giroux can treat the root of your jaw pain for lasting results.

No matter your symptoms, our auto-injury experts at Chiropractic Care & Rehab Center can help you relieve pain effectively without resorting to pain medications. Call our Estero office today.